Gay bar near me open

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on the same strip Friends Tavern is one of my favorite gay bars near me. You can check out the best drag shows or cabaret performances, but these queer spaces all offer something unique, from cozy vibes and cheap drinks to high energy dancing and brunch parties - sometimes in the same place on different days! Maybe your interests skew more trendy and urbane, or perhaps you're more of the down-and-dirty, 'what happens on the weekends, stays on the weekends' type - we're not here to judge! There are plenty of LGBTQ+ things to do in New York, but if it’s a bar you’re looking for, we’ve got you covered. This is one of the few New York gay bars that have remained open during the. Find the best Local Bars near you on Yelp - see all Local Bars open now.Explore other popular Nightlife near you from over 7 million businesses with over 142 million reviews and opinions from Yelpers. Warning: they make really strong drinks. Definitely worth going to if you want a night out in the city. Everyone is incredibly chill and friendly. The West Village is a classic destination for queer nightlife, but you’ll find something exciting and welcoming in pretty much any part of the city. 14 reviews of Woodward Bar & Grill 'This is one of the best gay bars Ive ever been to. The best queer bars in NYC range from dive bars to dance clubs, with historic spots like the Stonewall Inn anchoring them all. New York has played a major role in LGBTQ+ history, and it’s no wonder there are a slew of bars that have been beacons for the community (and prime party spots) for decades.

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